SA Wingshooters Association

South Africa's No.1 Accredited Hunting & Sport shooting Association

Firearm Motivation Endorsements for licence applications...

Following numerous refusals in the past ("not convinced of need" or "not suitable for hunting"), the Hunters-SAPS Forum agreed with the SAPS that if the applicant's accredited association endorses a firearm as suitable for the stated purpose, the Police must accept it unless they have a specific technical reason why they disregard the endorsement. 


Click here to download the Microsoft Excel Form from the "ALL DOWNLOADS" page, fill it in and e-mail it back to us for evaluation and processing. Our official endorsement will then be e-mailed back to you, free of charge as part of our Firearms Helpline under the Membership Benefits Programme. Office tel. 071 132 5450. Endorsements and technical Firearms Help and advice is a free service to members ONLY.

Furthermore, as a member, you are welcome to call the association at any time during office hours for any advice or help regarding firearms, firearms licensing, the Firearms Control Act or any other assistance you might need.You can find more downloads, forms and information regarding firearm licensing and the complete process on the "ALL DOWNLOADS" page. Click here to go there now.

There are many other helpful guidelines and forms, as well as most of the necessary SAPS forms available from the office.