SA Wingshooters Association

South Africa's No.1 Accredited Hunting & Sport shooting Association

About the SA Wingshooters Association...

The Southern African Wingshooters Association was formed by a group of leading clay and wingshooters in South Africa. It is South Africa's only SAPS-accredited national association dedicated to wingshooting in all its forms and to the conservation of gamebirds in Southern Africa. We offer our members exlusive bird shooting opportunities, we advise landowners on wildfowl and game bird management and we liaise with the authorities on conservation issues, shotgun shooting, gun legislation, shooting seasons and hunting licences. Overseas members are welcome! They can also join in local shoots!

The Association negotiates exclusive hunting rights with landowners for its members and works closely with organisers of selected shoots to ensure the long term success of these special events. In addition, it promotes the conservation, management and development of South Africa's wildfowl and gamebirds through its membership of the DEAT Wildlife Forum. Join us today and you receive a membership certificate, membership card, a quartely glossy magazine and exclusive access to some of the best wing shooting available in Southern Africa!

Included in the annual membership subscription is R20 million liability cover for your shooting activities, a first in South Africa!

The South African Wingshooters Association is accredited with the South African Police Services. This means that membership of the association is accepted by the Police as proof of the status of a member applying for listing as Dedicated Hunter for the purposes of obtaining a shotgun licence in terms of Act 60 of 2000.

SAPS-CFR Accreditation number: 1300080 & 1300136

Public Benefit Organisation number: 930009716

Non-Profit-Organisation number: 031-587-NPO

Our Contact details:

Head Office –
49 Judy Rd, Blairgowrie, Randburg, Johannesburg, 2194, South Africa.

Postal address –
P.O. Box 1097, Pinegowrie, 2123

Tel: (+27) (0)71 132 5450
Tel: (+27) (0)82 412 5893
Fax to email: 086 211 5111 (South Africa only)
E-mail: email us via the "Contact" menu on the left.

The SA Wingshooters Association is a member of

the British Association for Shooting and Conservation.


Our opening hours
